Paul Mark Touyz

- Assistant Professor
- Director of Undergraduate Studies
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Wescoe Hall, room #1025
Biography —
Paul Touyz joined KU Classics in 2018. He studied Classics and German at the University of Sydney, Australia, before completing his PhD in Classical Literature and Philology at Princeton University in 2018. He works broadly on ancient Greek literature, history, and reception. His current monograph project focuses on the postclassical history of Greek satyrplay, its spread in the Hellenistic and Roman worlds, and its place in ancient criticism and scholarship. He has published previously on the ancient reception of Aeschylus as a satyric poet and on Goethe’s reading and appraisal of Aristophanes. Beyond this, Paul teaches a wide variety of courses on Classical languages, literature, cultures, history, and reception.
Education —
German, Ancient Greek, University of Sydney, 2011, Sydney, Australia
Classical Literature and Philology, Princeton University, 2015, Princeton, NJ
Classical Literature and Philology, Princeton University, 2018, Princeton, NJ