Minor Overview
The Department of Classics offers minors in Classical Antiquity and Classical Languages.
The minor in Classical Antiquity allows you to explore the literature, history, and material culture of the Ancient Greek and Roman worlds without the need to learn Latin or Greek; the minor in Classical Languages allows you to study the Greek and/or Latin languages and their literatures.
Our Minors
This minor emphasizes the literature, history, and material culture of the classical world.
A minor in Classical Antiquity allows students to deepen their knowledge in the art and archaeology, history, literature, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome. This interdisciplinary minor is particularly useful for students anticipating careers in law, medicine, teaching, business, and the creative industries.
This minor particularly complements majors in Anthropology, History, History of Art, Philosophy, Theatre & Dance, and Film and Media Studies, Political Science. It can also be combined with the major in Classics.
To satisfy the requirements for this minor, students must complete:
- 9 hours of CLSX courses (300-level or above)
- 9 hours in additional CLSX, LAT, or GRK courses (3 hours must be at the 300-level or above). Related courses from other departments may be substituted with written permission from the Chair or Director of Undergraduate Studies.
NB: This minor cannot be combined with the Classics major concentrations in Archaeology and Art or Classical Humanities. It can be combined with concentrations in Classical Languages, Latin, or Greek.
This minor emphasizes the Greek and/or Latin languages and their literatures.
A minor in Classical Languages trains students to read the great authors of ancient Greece and Rome (e.g., Plato, Cicero, Vergil, Homer) in the original language.
The Classical Languages minor, when combined with the Classics major prepares students for graduate study in Classics or allied fields such as Ancient History, Archaeology, Theology, or Religious Studies. This minor cannot be combined with the Classics major: Classical Languages, Latin, or Greek concentrations
To satisfy the requirements for this minor, students must complete:
- 9 hours of GRK and/or LAT courses (300-level or above)
- 9 hours in additional CLSX, LAT, or GRK courses (3 hours must be at the 300-level or above). Related courses from other departments may be substituted with written permission from the Chair or Director of Undergraduate Studies.
NB: This minor cannot be combined with the Classics major concentrations in Classical Languages, Latin, or Greek. It can be combined with concentrations in Archaeology and Art or Classical Humanities.
Did you know?
You can combine a Classical Antiquity or Classical Languages minor with a major in Classics? Minors in Classical Antiquity can be combined with the major concentrations in Classical Languages, Latin, or Greek; while minors in Classical Languages can be combined with major concentrations in Archaeology and Art or Classical Humanities.
You can even use courses you take as part of your major to help to satisfy the requirements for the minor!
The "Old" Minor
If you enrolled at KU in 2021 or earlier and opted to remain on our old curriculum, you may be enrolled in the "Old" Classics minor.
Our "Old" minor system offered tracks in Greek, Latin, Classical Languages, and Classical Antiquity. For more information about graduation requirements under the "Old" system, please contact the College Academic Advisor for the Department of Classics, Nick Pellet.