Gina White

- Assistant Professor of Classics
- Departmental Outreach Co-ordinator
Contact Info
Wescoe Hall, room #1035
Biography —
Gina White has been an Assistant Professor in the KU Department of Classics since 2018. She has degrees from Oxford University (B.A/M.A.), the University of Pennsylvania (M.A.), and Princeton University (PhD), where she wrote her dissertation on Cicero’s translations of Greek in his philosophical works. Her research focuses on the development of Greek philosophy in the Roman world, and its presence in Latin literature. She has worked on issues such as Cicero’s use of dialogue form in his philosophical texts, the reception of Plato’s Timaeus in the Latin speaking world, and the ethics of philanthropy in the ancient world. At KU, she has taught courses in Latin language and literature, as well as Ancient Politics and Roman culture. Gina is also interested in the literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world more generally, and is happy to talk to any students interested in learning more about the subject.
Education —
Classics, Program in Classical Philosophy, Princeton University, 2015
Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 2009
Literae Humaniores (Classics), Brasenose College, University of Oxford, 2008
Research —
Gina White's research focuses on the development of Greek philosophy in the Roman world, and its presence in Latin literature. She has worked on issues such as Cicero’s use of dialogue form in his philosophical texts, the reception of Plato’s Timaeus in the Latin speaking world, and the ethics of philanthropy in the ancient world.
Research interests:
- Latin prose literature
- Greek philosophy in the Roman world
- the intellectual and cultural history of the Roman Republic
- ancient political thought
- translation theory and practice
Teaching —
Gina White teaches the Elementary Latin in the Fall and Spring semester (LAT 104/105), as well as upper level Latin language courses, and courses on the ancient world in translation. If you are considering taking Latin and would like any more information, please email here at
Teaching interests:
- Latin Language
- Latin Literature
- Ancient Roman culture
- Ancient Philosophy
- Ancient Political Thought
Selected Publications —
White, Georgina. 2020. Harnessing Private Wealth for the Public Good: Models of Giving from Greek Liturgy to Philanthrocapitalism. Conference Proceedings. What’s New in New Europe: Proceedings of the 2016 ISSEI Conference. University of Lodz Press.
White, Georgina. 2017. “(S.) Maso Grasp and Dissent. Cicero and Epicurean Philosophy. Pp. 272. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015 (Originally Published as Capire e Dissentire. Cicerone e La Filosofia Di Epicuro, 2008). Paper, €70. ISBN: 978-2-503-55030-5.” Book Reviews. The Classical Review. Cambridge University Press (CUP).
White, Georgina. 2017. “Review: Cesare Cuttica, Gaby Mahlberg (Eds) Patriarchal Moments: Reading Patriarchal Texts. Bloomsbury.” Book Reviews. BMCR.
Selected Presentations —
White, G. (4/30/2019). Serious Play: Re-examining Cicero’s Paradoxa Stoicorum. CAMWS Annual Meeting. Lincoln, NE
White, G. (12/31/2018). Homer without the Calories. Ilias Latina Workshop, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
White, G. (4/30/2018). An Accident of Accidents: The Problem of Time in Epicureanism. Vanderbilt University
Awards & Honors —
New Faculty General Research Grant Award
University of Kansas
University of Kansas
Service —
Gina White is currently the Director of Outreach for the Department of Classics. In that capacity, she helps to organize visits to the KU campus for local school students and community groups interested in learning more about the ancient world. If you are interested in bringing a group to visit our campus, or discussing other outreach possibilities, please email her at